Welcome to my astrophoto site. Through these pages, I hope to be able to inspire people to start imaging our beautiful night sky. With the right processing techniques and some patience you don’t have to travel far or use ultra-expensive equipment to discover the heavens as some of my images hopefully show.
Most photos on this site were taken from home backyard in Borås, Sweden, which is located in an orange zone (class 5) on the Bortle dark-sky scale. I am currently using a ASI1600MM-COOL dedicated astro-camera together with either a SkyWatcher Esprit 80ED f/5 triplet refractor telescope or a TS-Optics 8" f/4 UNC Newtonian reflector telescope attached to a Sky-Watcher EQ6-R Pro mount. For autoguiding I use a QHY 5L-II-M off-axis guider (OAG).

The camera is computer-controlled with N.I.N.A or Sequence Generator Pro and I mainly use PixInsight and Adobe Photoshop for image processing while SkySafari Pro is used for planning the photo sessions.
Recently, I have also started using the Margareta Westlund Telescope, a remote controlled PlaneWave CDK 17 432mm f/6.8 telescope on a Paramount ME mount equipped with a ASI6200MM Pro camera provided to the members of SAAF and hosted by IC Astronomy in Oria, Spain.
Thanks for looking and wish you all clear skies,
Peter Folkesson
Current weather forecast for Borås:
My images (and data about them) are also available at the eminent site AstroBin.