2018-12-27 18:00-22:00
Clear, no moon, some wind, 99% humidity, 3 degrees C
43x60s L
(30+30+30)x60s RGB
30x90s Ha
Rotation:180 degrees
First light with new equipment: TS-Optics 8″ f/4 UNC Newtonian with GPU Superflat 2″ Coma Corrector, ZWO OAG, EQMOD and SESTO SENSO robotic focusing motor. Was only going to finetune and test the equipment but the clear weather persisted and I couldn’t resist capturing when looking at the subs. Unfortunately guiding wasn’t perfect due to hard wind (having problems guiding in DEC for some reason).
Camera: ASI1600MM-COOL+ZWO EFWmini, Baader R,G,B,Ha, IDAS LPS-D1, gain 200, offset 50, -20C
Lens: TS-Optics 8″ f/4 UNC Newtonian with GPU Superflat 2″ Coma Corrector
Mount: HEQ5 Pro
QHY 5L-II-M OAG auto guider
Software: Sequence Generator Pro, PixInsight, Photoshop
Location: Borås, Sweden
Below is an overview of my new setup: