Amateur Astronomy Picture of the Day (AAPOD2) July 26th 2017
All posts by Peter Folkesson
Leo Triplet – 2017
2017-04-22 23:00-02:30
Some initial clouds, little wind, no moon, 60% humidity, 1 degrees C
2017-04-18 22:15-03:15
Clear, no wind, no moon, 70% humidity, -3 degrees C
2017-03-26 22:00-02:00
Clear, little wind, no moon, 90% humidity, 4 degrees C
(105+94)x90s L
(56+45+59)x90s RGB
Camera: ASI1600MM-COOL+ZWO EFWmini, Baader R,G,B,7nm Ha, IDAS LPS-D1, gain 200, offset 50, -20C
Lens: Sky-Watcher Esprit 80ED + Sky-Watcher field flattener
Mount: HEQ5 Pro
Skywatcher SynGuider auto guider and Celestron 80mm guide scope
Software: Sequence Generator Pro, PixInsight, Photoshop
Location: Borås, Sweden
M101 – 2017
2017-03-23 21:00-05:00
Some high clouds, little wind, no moon, 70% humidity, -1 degrees C
RGB: (84+79+78)x90s
2017-02-24 21:00-05:00
Clear, little wind, no moon, 75% humidity, -4 degrees C
L: 180x90s
100 FLAT
100 DARK
200 BIAS
Camera: ASI1600MM-COOL+ZWO EFWmini, Baader R,G,B,7nm Ha,IDAS LPS-D1, gain 200, offset 50, -20C
Lens: Sky-Watcher Esprit 80ED + Sky-Watcher field flattener
Mount: HEQ5 Pro
Skywatcher SynGuider auto guider and Celestron 80mm guide scope
Software: Sequence Generator Pro, PixInsight, Photoshop
Location: Borås, Sweden
NGC2237/2244 Rosette Nebula – 2017
2017-02-24 21:00-05:00
Clear, little wind, no moon, 75% humidity, -4 degrees C
Ha: 120x90s LIGHT
2015-03-12 20:00-23:00
Some high clouds, no moon, no wind, 1 degrees C
RGB: 24x480s LIGHT
2015-03-13 20:00-23:00
Few high clouds, no moon, no wind, 1 degrees C
RGB: 22x480s LIGHT
Camera: ASI1600MM-COOL+ZWO EFWmini, Baader 7nm Ha, gain 200, offset 50, -20C
Camera RGB: Canon EOS-600Da, IDAS LPS-P2, ISO800
Lens: Sky-Watcher Esprit 80ED + Sky-Watcher field flattener
Mount: HEQ5 Pro
Skywatcher SynGuider auto guider and Celestron 80mm guide scope
Software: Sequence Generator Pro, PixInsight, Photoshop
Location: Borås, Sweden
IC434 Horsehead Nebula – 2017
2017-02-13 19:00-21:30
Some high clouds, no wind, rising moon, 80% humidity, -3 degrees C
Ha:75x90s LIGHT
2017-02-14 19:00-22:00
Some high clouds, no wind, rising moon, 60% humidity, 0 degrees C
Ha: 25x90s LIGHT
RGB: (0+7+5)x60s LIGHT
L: 67x60s LIGHT
2017-02-15 19:00-22:00
Clear, no wind, no moon, 55% humidity, 0 degrees C
RGB: (54+55+57)x60s LIGHT
L: 15x60s LIGHT
Camera L: ASI1600MM-COOL+ZWO EFWmini, Baader R,G,B,7nm Ha, gain 200, offset 50, -20C
Lens: Sky-Watcher Esprit 80ED + Sky-Watcher field flattener
Mount: HEQ5 Pro
Skywatcher SynGuider auto guider and Celestron 80mm guide scope
Software: Sequence Generator Pro, PixInsight, Photoshop
Location: Borås, Sweden
M78 – 2017
2017-01-01 18:00-01:00
Clear, little wind, no moon, 99% humidity, -1 degrees C
HA: 80x90s LIGHT
L: 66x45s LIGHT
2017-01-02 20:00-00:00
Clear followed by high clouds, little wind, no moon, 80% humidity, -5 degrees C
RGB: (60+60+60)x45s LIGHT
L: 22x45s LIGHT
2017-01-27 19:00-23:30
Clear, little wind, no moon, 90% humidity, -3 degrees C
L: 196x60s LIGHT
R+B+G: (20+20+20)x45 s LIGHT
Camera: ASI1600MM-COOL+ZWO EFWmini, Baader R,G,B,7nm Ha, gain 200, offset 50, -20C
Lens: Sky-Watcher Esprit 80ED + Sky-Watcher field flattener
Mount: HEQ5 Pro
Skywatcher SynGuider auto guider and Celestron 80mm guide scope
Software: Sequence Generator Pro, PixInsight, Photoshop
Location: Borås, Sweden
IC1848 Soul Nebula – 2017
2017-01-15 18:00-21:00
Clear, little wind, rising moon, 85% humidity, -6 degrees C
Exposures Ha:
92x90s LIGHT
100x90s DARK
200 BIAS
2016-10-04 21:00-03:30
Some low clouds, windy, 80% humidity, 5 degrees C
Exposures Luminance:
90x30s+25x120s+20x240s LIGHT
100x240s DARK
200 BIAS
2014-04-03 22:00-05:00 (2 hours lost due to a combination of hardware and software problems)
Clear, moon at the horizon, no wind, 0 degrees C
Exposures RGB:
8x480s LIGHT
28x480s DARKS
200 BIAS
Camera L: ASI1600MM-COOL+ZWO EFWmini, Baader 7nm Ha, IDAS LPS-D1, gain 77 and 200, offset 12 and 50, -20C
Camera RGB: Canon EOS-600Da, IDAS LPS-P2, ISO800
Lens: Sky-Watcher Esprit 80ED + Sky-Watcher field flattener
Mount: HEQ5 Pro
Skywatcher SynGuider auto guider and Celestron 80mm guide scope
Software: Sequence Generator Pro, BackyardEOS, PixInsight, Photoshop
Location: Borås, Sweden
M103, NGC659, Tr1, NGC663, NGC654, LDN1334, IC166
2017-01-01 18:00-01:00
Clear, little wind, no moon, 99% humidity, -1 degrees C
Exposures (104.5 min):
L:59x30s LIGHT (29.5 min)
R+G+B: (50+50+50)x30s LIGHT (75 min)
Camera L: ASI1600MM-COOL+ZWO EFWmini, Baader R,G,B,7nm Ha, gain 200, offset 50, -20C
Lens: Sky-Watcher Esprit 80ED + Sky-Watcher field flattener
Mount: HEQ5 Pro
Skywatcher SynGuider auto guider and Celestron 80mm guide scope
Software: Sequence Generator Pro, PixInsight, Photoshop
Location: Borås, Sweden
NGC1931, IC417, IC410, IC405
2016-11-23 22:00-01:00
Clear, no wind, no moon, 95% humidity, 2 degrees C
2016-11-24 21:30-00:30
Clear, no wind, no moon, 99% humidity, some fog, -1 degrees C
NGC1931, IC417, IC410
Ha:90x90s LIGHT (135 min)
R+G+B: (55+40+50)x45s LIGHT (109 min)
2016-11-28 20:00-02:00
Several high clouds, little wind, no moon, 80% humidity, -1 degrees C
2016-12-02 18:30-02:30
Clear, no wind, no moon, 75% humidity, -3 degrees C
Ha: 144x90s
R+G+B: (60+63+59)x45s
200 BIAS
100 FLAT per filter
100 DARK per exposure time
Camera L: ASI1600MM-COOL+ZWO EFWmini, Baader R,G,B,7nm Ha, gain 200, offset 50, -20C
Lens: Sky-Watcher Esprit 80ED + Sky-Watcher field flattener
Mount: HEQ5 Pro
Skywatcher SynGuider auto guider and Celestron 80mm guide scope
Software: Sequence Generator Pro, BackyardEOS, PixInsight, Photoshop
M42 in LRGB+Ha
2016-11-26 18:00-04:00
Clear, some wind, no moon, 85% humidity, 3 degrees C
Exposures (163,5 min):
Ha:45x90s LIGHT
R: 31x10s+60x30s
G: 32x10s+57x30s
B: 54x30s
2016-11-27 18:00-01:00
Low clouds, windy, no moon, 60% humidity, 0 degrees C
Exposures (103 min):
Ha: 85x20s+40x90s LIGHT
RGB: (12+3+50)x10s LIGHT
2016-12-02 18:30-02:30
Clear, no wind, no moon, 75% humidity, -3 degrees C
L: 140x30s+ 201x10s LIGHT (103,5 min)
Camera L: ASI1600MM-COOL+ZWO EFWmini, Baader R,G,B,7nm Ha, gain 200, offset 50, -20C
Lens: Sky-Watcher Esprit 80ED + Sky-Watcher field flattener
Mount: HEQ5 Pro
Skywatcher SynGuider auto guider and Celestron 80mm guide scope
Software: Sequence Generator Pro, PixInsight, Photoshop
Ced214, NGC7822
2016-11-26 18:00-04:00
Clear, some wind, no moon, 85% humidity, 3 degrees C
Ced 214, NGC7822
Exposures (269 min):
Ha:90x90s LIGHT (135 min)
R+G+B: (59+60+60)x45s LIGHT (134 min)
DARK: 100
FLAT: 100
BIAS: 200
Camera L: ASI1600MM-COOL+ZWO EFWmini, Baader R,G,B,7nm Ha, gain 200, offset 50, -20C
Lens: Sky-Watcher Esprit 80ED + Sky-Watcher field flattener
Mount: HEQ5 Pro
Skywatcher SynGuider auto guider and Celestron 80mm guide scope
Software: Sequence Generator Pro, BackyardEOS, PixInsight, Photoshop
NGC7789 – Caroline’s Rose
2016-11-26 18:00-04:00
Clear, some wind, no moon, 85% humidity, 3 degrees C
LRGB: (60+60+60+60)x30s LIGHT
Camera L: ASI1600MM-COOL+ZWO EFWmini, Baader R,G,B,IDAS LPS-D1, gain 200, offset 50, -20C
Lens: Sky-Watcher Esprit 80ED + Sky-Watcher field flattener
Mount: HEQ5 Pro
Skywatcher SynGuider auto guider and Celestron 80mm guide scope
Software: Sequence Generator Pro, BackyardEOS, PixInsight, Photoshop
Veil Nebula – 2016
2016-09-04 21:30-02:00
Clear, no moon, some wind, 75% humidity, 11 degrees C
NGC 6960 – Western Veil L:
80x30s+20x120s LIGHT
NGC 6992 – Eastern Veil L:
58x30s+60x120s LIGHT
2016-08-24 23:00-02:00
Clear, rising moon, little wind, 92% humidity, 14 degrees C
NGC 6960 – Western Veil L:
45x120s LIGHT
200 BIAS
2014-09-03 23:00-04:00
Clear, 12 degrees C
NGC 6992, NGC 6960 – Veil Nebula RGB:
30x480s LIGHT
18x300s DARK
200 BIAS
Camera L: ASI1600MM-COOL, IDAS LPS-D1, gain 77, offset 12, -20C
Camera RGB: Canon EOS-600Da, IDAS LPS-P2, ISO800
Lens: Sky-Watcher Esprit 80ED + Sky-Watcher field flattener
Mount: HEQ5 Pro
Skywatcher SynGuider auto guider and Celestron 80mm guide scope
Software: Sequence Generator Pro, BackyardEOS, PixInsight, Photoshop
NGC281 – Pacman Nebula
2016-10-29 19:00-03:00
Very clear, some wind, 75% humidity, 5 degrees C
Ha:90x90s RGB:(60+60+60)x30s LIGHT (225 min)
100x90s+100x30s DARK
200 BIAS
Camera: ASI1600MM-COOL+ZWO EFWmini, Baader R,G,B,7nm Ha, gain 200, offset 50, -20C
Lens: Sky-Watcher Esprit 80ED + Sky-Watcher field flattener
Mount: HEQ5 Pro
Skywatcher SynGuider auto guider and Celestron 80mm guide scope
Software: Sequence Generator Pro, BackyardEOS, PixInsight, Photoshop
NGC 1499 – California Nebula 2016
2016-10-29 19:00-03:00
Very clear, some wind, 75% humidity, 5 degrees C
Ha: 90x90s (135 min)
100x90s DARK
200 BIAS
2014-12-25 18:30-23:00, 23:30-04:00
Clear, setting moon, -10 degrees C
NGC1499 – The California Nebula
30x480s LIGHT
30x480s DARK
200 BIAS
Camera L: ASI1600MM-COOL+ZWO EFWmini, Baader R,G,B,7nm Ha, gain 200, offset 50, -20C
Camera RGB: Canon EOS-600Da, IDAS LPS-P2, ISO800
Lens: Sky-Watcher Esprit 80ED + Sky-Watcher field flattener
Mount: HEQ5 Pro
Sh 2-155 – Cave Nebula
2016-10-28 20:00-02:00
Clear, hard wind, intermittent high clouds, 80% humidity, 7 degrees C
Cave Nebula
Ha:86x90s RGB:(50+44+58)x30s L:60x30s LIGHT (235 min)
100x90s+100x30s DARK
200 BIAS
Camera L: ASI1600MM-COOL+ZWO EFWmini, Baader R,G,B,7nm Ha, gain 200, offset 50, -20C
Camera RGB: Canon EOS-600Da, IDAS LPS-P2, ISO800
Lens: Sky-Watcher Esprit 80ED + Sky-Watcher field flattener
Mount: HEQ5 Pro
Skywatcher SynGuider auto guider and Celestron 80mm guide scope
Software: Sequence Generator Pro, BackyardEOS, PixInsight, Photoshop
M52, Bubble Nebula, Lobster Claw Nebula – 2016
2016-10-05 20:30-04:00
Clear, windy, 80% humidity, 5 degrees C
Exposures Luminance:
90x30s+25x120s+20x240s LIGHT
100x240s DARK
200 BIAS
2015-08-12 23:30-03:30
Very clear, no moon, no wind, 9 degrees C
Exposures RGB:
27x480s LIGHT
49x480s DARK
200 BIAS
Camera L: ASI1600MM-COOL, IDAS LPS-D1, gain 77, offset 12, -20C
Camera RGB: Canon EOS-600Da, IDAS LPS-P2, ISO800
Lens: Sky-Watcher Esprit 80ED + Sky-Watcher field flattener
Mount: HEQ5 Pro
Skywatcher SynGuider auto guider and Celestron 80mm guide scope
Software: Sequence Generator Pro, BackyardEOS, PixInsight, Photoshop
IC1805 Heart Nebula – 2016
2016-10-04 21:00-03:30
Some low clouds, windy, 80% humidity, 5 degrees C
Exposures Luminance:
90x30s+25x120s+20x240s LIGHT
100x240s DARK
200 BIAS
2015-12-13 17:30-21:00 (2 hours lost due to Canon driver issue with Windows 10 and USB 3.0 setting in VMWare Fusion 8.1.0)
Some low clouds followed by fog, no wind, -3 degrees C
Exposures RGB:
9x480s LIGHT
60x480s DARK
200 BIAS
Camera L: ASI1600MM-COOL, IDAS LPS-D1, gain 77, offset 12, -20C
Camera RGB: Canon EOS-600Da, IDAS LPS-P2, ISO800
Lens: Sky-Watcher Esprit 80ED + Sky-Watcher field flattener
Mount: HEQ5 Pro
Skywatcher SynGuider auto guider and Celestron 80mm guide scope
Software: Sequence Generator Pro, BackyardEOS, PixInsight, Photoshop
IC1848 Soul Nebula – 2016
2016-10-04 21:00-03:30
Some low clouds, windy, 80% humidity, 5 degrees C
Exposures Luminance:
90x30s+25x120s+20x240s LIGHT
100x240s DARK
200 BIAS
2014-04-03 22:00-05:00 (2 hours lost due to a combination of hardware and software problems)
Clear, moon at the horizon, no wind, 0 degrees C
Exposures RGB:
8x480s LIGHT
28x480s DARKS
200 BIAS
Camera L: ASI1600MM-COOL, IDAS LPS-D1, gain 77, offset 12, -20C
Camera RGB: Canon EOS-600Da, IDAS LPS-P2, ISO800
Lens: Sky-Watcher Esprit 80ED + Sky-Watcher field flattener
Mount: HEQ5 Pro
Skywatcher SynGuider auto guider and Celestron 80mm guide scope
Software: Sequence Generator Pro, BackyardEOS, PixInsight, Photoshop
M33 – 2016
2016-10-03 21:00-03:30
Some initial high clouds, some wind, 85% humidity, 5 degrees C
Exposures Luminance:
59x30s+30x120s+39x240s LIGHT
100x240s DARK
200 BIAS
2016-09-09 22:00-01:30
Clear followed by fog, setting moon, no wind, 99% humidity, 12 degrees C
Exposures Luminance:
126x30s+64x120s LIGHT
2014-10-29 22:30-00:30
Some initial clouds followed by clear, humid, 2 degrees C
2014-10-28 19:30-23:30
High and fast moving low clouds, humid, 9 degrees C
M33 – Triangulum Galaxy
Exposures RGB:
30+20x360s LIGHT
40+40x360s DARK
200 BIAS
Camera L: ASI1600MM-COOL, IDAS LPS-D1, gain 77, offset 12, -20C
Camera RGB: Canon EOS-600Da, IDAS LPS-P2, ISO800
Lens: Sky-Watcher Esprit 80ED + Sky-Watcher field flattener
Mount: HEQ5 Pro
Skywatcher SynGuider auto guider and Celestron 80mm guide scope
Software: Sequence Generator Pro, BackyardEOS, PixInsight, Photoshop