All posts by Peter Folkesson

IC 1396 – Elephant’s Trunk Nebula

IC 1396 – Elephant’s Trunk Nebula

2021-10-12 20:00-04:00
Clear, some wind, no moon, 90% humidity, 3 degrees C

76x180s Ha
60x60s R
55x60s G
60x60s B
Rotation 90 degrees

Camera: ASI1600MM-COOL+ZWO EFWmini, Baader R,G,B,Ha,SII,OIII, IDAS LPS-D1, gain 200, offset 50, -20C
Lens: TS-Optics 8″ f/4 UNC Newtonian with GPU Superflat 2″ Coma Corrector
Mount: EQ6-R Pro
QHY 5L-II-M OAG auto guider
Software: N.I.N.A., PixInsight, Photoshop
Location: Borås, Sweden

Deer Lick Group and Stephan’s Quintet

Deer Lick Group and Stephan’s Quintet

2021-09-05 22:00-04:30
Clear, no wind, no moon, 95% humidity, 6 degrees C
300x60s L
Rotation 90 degrees

2021-09-09 22:00-04:30
Clear, no wind, no moon, 95% humidity, 12 degrees C
85x60s R
80x60s G
88x60s B
Rotation 90 degrees

Camera: ASI1600MM-COOL+ZWO EFWmini, Baader R,G,B,Ha,SII,OIII, IDAS LPS-D1, gain 200, offset 50, -20C
Lens: TS-Optics 8″ f/4 UNC Newtonian with GPU Superflat 2″ Coma Corrector
Mount: EQ6-R Pro
QHY 5L-II-M OAG auto guider
Software: N.I.N.A., PixInsight, Photoshop
Location: Borås, Sweden

NGC6820 in SII, Ha and OIII

NGC6820 in SII, Ha and OIII

2021-08-30 22:30-03:30
Clear, no wind, rising half moon, 90% humidity, 10 degrees C
91x180s SII
Rotation 90 degrees

2021-08-31 22:30-03:30
Some high clouds, some wind, rising half moon, 80% humidity, 12 degrees C
81x180s Ha
Rotation 90 degrees

2021-09-03 22:00-03:30
Some high clouds, some wind, no moon, 90% humidity, 6 degrees C
18x180s OIII
Rotation 90 degrees

2021-09-04 22:00-02:30
Some high clouds, no wind, no moon, 85% humidity, 5 degrees C
87x180s OIII
Rotation 90 degrees

Camera: ASI1600MM-COOL+ZWO EFWmini, Baader R,G,B,Ha,SII,OIII, IDAS LPS-D1, gain 200, offset 50, -20C
Lens: TS-Optics 8″ f/4 UNC Newtonian with GPU Superflat 2″ Coma Corrector
Mount: EQ6-R Pro
QHY 5L-II-M OAG auto guider
Software: N.I.N.A., PixInsight, Photoshop
Location: Borås, Sweden



2021-04-19 23:00-03:00
Clear, half moon, no wind, 50% humidity, 6 degrees C
115x30s R
105x30s G
89x30s B
104x30s L
Rotation 0 degrees

2021-08-04 23:00-03:00
Clear, no wind, 99% humidity, 9 degrees C
53x30s R
62x30s G
60x30s B
40x60s L
Rotation 90 degrees

2021-08-05 23:00-03:00
Some low clouds, no moon, no wind, 99% humidity, 13 degrees C
41x30s R
41x30s G
36x30s B
31x60s L
Rotation 90 degrees

Camera: ASI1600MM-COOL+ZWO EFWmini, Baader R,G,B,Ha,SII,OIII, IDAS LPS-D1, gain 200, offset 50, -20C
Lens: TS-Optics 8″ f/4 UNC Newtonian with GPU Superflat 2″ Coma Corrector
Mount: EQ6-R Pro
QHY 5L-II-M OAG auto guider
Software: N.I.N.A., PixInsight, Photoshop
Location: Borås, Sweden

Leo Cluster (Abell 1367)

Leo Cluster (Abell 1367)

2021-04-03 22:00-04:30
Clear, no moon, little wind, 75% humidity, 0 degrees C

180x60s L
(40+44+50)x60s RGB
Rotation 0 degrees

Camera: ASI1600MM-COOL+ZWO EFWmini, Baader R,G,B,Ha,SII,OIII, IDAS LPS-D1, gain 200, offset 50, -20C
Lens: TS-Optics 8″ f/4 UNC Newtonian with GPU Superflat 2″ Coma Corrector
Mount: EQ6-R Pro
QHY 5L-II-M OAG auto guider
Software: N.I.N.A., PixInsight, Photoshop
Location: Borås, Sweden

Draco Triplet

Draco Triplet – crop
Draco Triplet

2021-04-01 22:00-04:00
Clear, rising moon, no wind, 95% humidity, -2 degrees C
(111+88+113)x60s RGB
Rotation 0 degrees

2021-04-02 22:00-04:00
Some clouds, no moon, no wind, 75% humidity, -1 degrees C
267x60s L
Rotation 0 degrees

Camera: ASI1600MM-COOL+ZWO EFWmini, Baader R,G,B,Ha,SII,OIII, IDAS LPS-D1, gain 200, offset 50, -20C
Lens: TS-Optics 8″ f/4 UNC Newtonian with GPU Superflat 2″ Coma Corrector
Mount: EQ6-R Pro
QHY 5L-II-M OAG auto guider
Software: N.I.N.A., PixInsight, Photoshop
Location: Borås, Sweden

M13 – Hercules Cluster

M13 – Hercules Cluster

2021-04-13 23:00-03:30
Clear, no moon, little wind, 90% humidity, -1 degrees C
112x10s L
113x30s L
177x60s L
Rotation 0 degrees

2021-04-15 23:00-03:30
High clouds, setting moon, little wind, 75% humidity, 0 degrees C
193x30s R
176x30s G
176x30s B
Rotation 0 degrees

Camera: ASI1600MM-COOL+ZWO EFWmini, Baader R,G,B,Ha,SII,OIII, IDAS LPS-D1, gain 200, offset 50, -20C
Lens: TS-Optics 8″ f/4 UNC Newtonian with GPU Superflat 2″ Coma Corrector
Mount: EQ6-R Pro
QHY 5L-II-M OAG auto guider
Software: N.I.N.A., PixInsight, Photoshop
Location: Borås, Sweden

M94 – Cat’s Eye Galaxy

M94 – Cat’s Eye Galaxy

2021-03-15 20:00-04:30
Clear, no moon, little wind, 95% humidity, -2 degrees C
206x60s L
Rotation 0 degrees

2021-03-17 22:00-04:30
Clear, no moon, no wind, 80% humidity, -3 degrees C
(57+60+62)x60s RGB
Rotation 0 degrees

Camera: ASI1600MM-COOL+ZWO EFWmini, Baader R,G,B,Ha,SII,OIII, IDAS LPS-D1, gain 200, offset 50, -20C
Lens: TS-Optics 8″ f/4 UNC Newtonian with GPU Superflat 2″ Coma Corrector
Mount: EQ6-R Pro
QHY 5L-II-M OAG auto guider
Software: N.I.N.A., PixInsight, Photoshop
Location: Borås, Sweden



2021-03-04 19:30-04:30
Clear, rising half moon, no wind, 75% humidity, -5 degrees C

216x60s L
(89+88+89)x60s RGB
Rotation 0 degrees

Camera: ASI1600MM-COOL+ZWO EFWmini, Baader R,G,B,Ha,SII,OIII, IDAS LPS-D1, gain 200, offset 50, -20C
Lens: TS-Optics 8″ f/4 UNC Newtonian with GPU Superflat 2″ Coma Corrector
Mount: EQ6-R Pro
QHY 5L-II-M OAG auto guider
Software: N.I.N.A., PixInsight, Photoshop
Location: Borås, Sweden

Medusa Nebula in RGB+HaO3

Medusa Nebula in RGB+HaO3

2021-03-07 19:30-05:00
Clear, no moon, little wind, 50% humidity, -2 degrees C
66x180s OIII
Rotation 0 degrees

2021-03-15 20:00-04:30
Clear, no moon, little wind, 95% humidity, -2 degrees C
71x180s Ha
Rotation 0 degrees

2021-03-17 22:00-04:30
Clear, no moon, no wind, 80% humidity, -3 degrees C
(59+59+59)x30s RGB
Rotation 0 degrees

Camera: ASI1600MM-COOL+ZWO EFWmini, Baader R,G,B,Ha,SII,OIII, IDAS LPS-D1, gain 200, offset 50, -20C
Lens: TS-Optics 8″ f/4 UNC Newtonian with GPU Superflat 2″ Coma Corrector
Mount: EQ6-R Pro
QHY 5L-II-M OAG auto guider
Software: N.I.N.A., PixInsight, Photoshop
Location: Borås, Sweden

IC410 – Tadpole Nebula in SII, Ha and OIII

IC410 – Tadpole Nebula in SII, Ha and OIII
IC410 – Tadpole Nebula in SII, Ha and OIII crop

2020-12-25 21:00-01:00
High clouds, half moon, no wind, 90% humidity, -5 degrees C
35x180s SII
45x180s Ha
Rotation: 0 degrees

2021-01-30 18:30-22:00
Clear, rising full moon, no wind, 93 % humidity, -9 degrees C
19x180s Ha
20x180s SII
Rotation: 0 degrees

2021-02-05 18:30-04:00
Clear, no moon, no wind, snow on ground, 90% humidity, -10 degrees C
84x180s OIII
20x180s Ha
30x180s SII
Rotation: 0 degrees

Camera: ASI1600MM-COOL+ZWO EFWmini, Baader R,G,B,Ha,SII,OIII, IDAS LPS-D1, gain 200, offset 50, -20C
Lens: TS-Optics 8″ f/4 UNC Newtonian with GPU Superflat 2″ Coma Corrector
Mount: EQ6-R Pro
QHY 5L-II-M OAG auto guider
Software: N.I.N.A., PixInsight, Photoshop
Location: Borås, Sweden

M44 – Beehive Cluster

M44 – Beehive Cluster

2021-02-26 20:00-00:00
Clear, full moon, no wind, snow on ground, 75% humidity, 2 degrees C

165x30s L
(85+85+85)x30s RGB
Rotation 90 degrees

Camera: ASI1600MM-COOL+ZWO EFWmini, Baader R,G,B,Ha,SII,OIII, IDAS LPS-D1, gain 200, offset 50, -20C
Lens: TS-Optics 8″ f/4 UNC Newtonian with GPU Superflat 2″ Coma Corrector
Mount: EQ6-R Pro
QHY 5L-II-M OAG auto guider
Software: N.I.N.A., PixInsight, Photoshop
Location: Borås, Sweden

NGC 2264 in LRGBHa

NGC2264 in LRGBHa

2021-02-11 19:00-01:00
Clear, no moon, no wind, snow on ground, 80% humidity, -13 degrees C

74x60s L
(73+77+74)x60s RGB
Rotation 90 degrees

2021-02-12 19:00-01:00
Clear, no moon, no wind, snow on ground, 80% humidity, -9 degrees C

86x180s Ha
20x60s L
(20+19+20)x60s RGB
Rotation 90 degrees

Camera: ASI1600MM-COOL+ZWO EFWmini, Baader R,G,B,Ha,SII,OIII, IDAS LPS-D1, gain 200, offset 50, -20C
Lens: TS-Optics 8″ f/4 UNC Newtonian with GPU Superflat 2″ Coma Corrector
Mount: EQ6-R Pro
QHY 5L-II-M OAG auto guider
Software: N.I.N.A., PixInsight, Photoshop
Location: Borås, Sweden

NGC2174 – Monkey Head Nebula in SII, Ha and OIII

NGC2174 – Monkey Head Nebula in SII, Ha and OIII

2020-12-24 21:30-06:00
Clear, half moon, some wind, 95 % humidity, -1 degrees C

37x180s Ha
42x180s OIII
40x180s SII
Rotation: 0 degrees

2020-12-25 21:00-01:00
High clouds, half moon, no wind, 90% humidity, -5 degrees C
14x180s Ha
3x180s OIII
9x180s SII

2021-01-30 18:30-22:00
Clear, rising full moon, no wind, 93 % humidity, -9 degrees C
40x180s SII

2021-02-06 18:30-01:00
Clear, no moon, no wind, 85% humidity, -13 degrees C
37x180s Ha
35x180s OIII
17x180s SII

Camera: ASI1600MM-COOL+ZWO EFWmini, Baader R,G,B,Ha,SII,OIII, IDAS LPS-D1, gain 200, offset 50, -20C
Lens: TS-Optics 8″ f/4 UNC Newtonian with GPU Superflat 2″ Coma Corrector
Mount: EQ6-R Pro
QHY 5L-II-M OAG auto guider
Software: N.I.N.A., PixInsight, Photoshop
Location: Borås, Sweden

IC1805 in SII, Ha and OIII

IC1805 in SII, Ha and OIII

2020-11-19 18:00-02:00
Several low clouds, no moon, wind, 80 % humidity, 1 degrees C
48x180s Ha
46x180s OIII
15x180s SII
Rotation: 90 degrees

2020-11-20 18:00-20:00
Some high clouds, no moon, no wind, 95 % humidity, -2 degrees C
19x180s OIII
19x180s SII
Rotation: 90 degrees

2020-11-26 17:30-23:00
Clear, almost full moon, no wind, 99 % humidity, 1 degrees C
59x180s SII
40x180s Ha
Rotation: 90 degrees

Camera: ASI1600MM-COOL+ZWO EFWmini, Baader R,G,B,Ha,SII,OIII, IDAS LPS-D1, gain 200, offset 50, -20C
Lens: TS-Optics 8″ f/4 UNC Newtonian with GPU Superflat 2″ Coma Corrector
Mount: EQ6-R Pro
QHY 5L-II-M OAG auto guider
Software: N.I.N.A., PixInsight, Photoshop
Location: Borås, Sweden

NGC281 (Pacman Nebula) in SII, Ha and OIII

NGC281 (Pacman Nebula) in SII, Ha and OIII

2020-10-13 20:00-06:00
Intermittent low clouds, no moon, no wind, 90 % humidity, 4 degrees C
15x180s Ha
19x180s OIII
Rotation: 90 degrees

2020-10-15 20:00-06:00
Clear, no moon, some wind, 95 % humidity, 2 degrees C
74x180s Ha
74x180s OIII
26x180s SII
Rotation: 90 degrees

2020-10-18 20:00-01:00
Some high clouds, no moon, wind, 75 % humidity, 1 degrees C
60x180s SII
Rotation: 90 degrees

Camera: ASI1600MM-COOL+ZWO EFW, Baader R,G,B,Ha,SII,OIII, IDAS LPS-D1, gain 200, offset 50, -20C
Lens: TS-Optics 8″ f/4 UNC Newtonian with GPU Superflat 2″ Coma Corrector
Mount: EQ6-R Pro
QHY 5L-II-M OAG auto guider
Software: N.I.N.A., PixInsight, Photoshop
Location: Borås, Sweden


Ced214 – crop

2020-08-31 22:30-03:30
Very clear, full moon, no wind, 90 % humidity, 5 degrees C
Cederblad 214
40x180s Ha
Rotation: 90 degrees

2020-09-01 22:30-03:30
Clear, full moon, no wind, 85% humidity, 11 degrees C
Cederblad 214
84x180s Ha
Rotation: 90 degrees

2020-09-16 21:30-01:30
Some low clouds, no moon, some wind, 75% humidity, 8 degrees C
Cederblad 214
78x180s OIII
Rotation: 90 degrees

2020-09-22 21:00-04:00
Clear, no moon, no wind, 90% humidity, 8 degrees C
Cederblad 214
104x180s SII
29×180 OIII
Rotation: 90 degrees

Total 16.75h:
124*180s HA
107x180s OIII
104x180s SII

Camera: ASI1600MM-COOL+ZWO EFWmini, Baader R,G,B,Ha,SII,OIII,IDAS LPS-D1, gain 200, offset 50, -20C
Lens: TS-Optics 8″ f/4 UNC Newtonian with GPU Superflat 2″ Coma Corrector
Mount: EQ6-R Pro
QHY 5L-II-M OAG auto guider
Software: N.I.N.A., PixInsight, Photoshop
Location: Borås, Sweden



2020-08-15 23:30-02:30
Clear, rising moon, no wind, 90 % humidity, 14 degrees C
60x180s OIII
Rotation: 0 degrees

2020-08-16 23:30-02:30
Clear, no moon, no wind, 90 % humidity, 16 degrees C
71x180s Ha
Rotation: 0 degrees

2020-08-22 22:30-23:30
Clear, no moon, no wind, 95 % humidity, 14 degrees C
59×30 R
Rotation: 0 degrees)

2020-08-24 23:30-02:00
Some high clouds followed by cloudy weather, no moon, no wind, 90 % humidity, 8 degrees C
(92+60)x30s GB
Rotation: 0 degrees

Camera: ASI1600MM-COOL+ZWO EFWmini, Baader R,G,B,Ha,SII,OIII,IDAS LPS-D1, gain 200, offset 50, -20C
Lens: TS-Optics 8″ f/4 UNC Newtonian with GPU Superflat 2″ Coma Corrector
Mount: EQ6-R Pro
QHY 5L-II-M OAG auto guider
Software: N.I.N.A., PixInsight, Photoshop
Location: Borås, Sweden

Hubble Palette M27 with RGB stars

Hubble Palette M27 with RGB stars

2019-08-20 22:30-01:30
Some clouds, rising moon, no wind, 90% humidity, 10 degrees C
58x90s Ha
Rotation 180 degrees

2019-08-24 22:30-03:30
Some high clouds, rising moon, no wind, 95% humidity, 14 degrees C
84x60s L
(60+60+59)x60s RGB
Rotation 180 degrees

2020-08-08 23:30-02:00
Clear, half moon, no wind, 90 % humidity, 16 degrees C
35x90s Ha
31x90s SII
Rotation 0 degrees

2020-08-12 23:30-02:00
Some high clouds, rising moon, no wind, 85 % humidity, 16 degrees C
68x90s SII
Rotation 0 degrees

2020-08-14 23:30-02:30
Clear, rising moon, no wind, 90 % humidity, 14 degrees C
107x90s OIII
Rotation 0 degrees

Camera: ASI1600MM-COOL+ZWO EFWmini, Baader R,G,B,Ha,SII,OIII,IDAS LPS-D1, gain 200, offset 50, -20C
Lens: TS-Optics 8″ f/4 UNC Newtonian with GPU Superflat 2″ Coma Corrector
Mount: EQ6-R Pro
QHY 5L-II-M OAG auto guider
Software: Sequence Generator Pro, PixInsight, Photoshop
Location: Borås, Sweden