Bubble Nebula and Lobster Claw Region (NGC 7635, Sh2-157 and M52) in SHO

Bubble Nebula and Lobster Claw Region (NGC 7635, Sh2-157 and M52) in SHO

2024-08-31 22:30-04:30
Clear, no wind, no moon, 85% humidity, 8 degrees C
42x180s Ha
40x180s OIII
23x180s SII
Rotation 90 degrees

2024-09-04 22:00-04:30
Clear, no wind, no moon, 70% humidity, 18 degrees C
40x180s Ha
30x180s OIII
53x180s SII
Rotation 90 degrees

Camera: ASI1600MM-COOL+ZWO EFW, Baader R,G,B,Ha,SII,OIII, IDAS LPS-D1, gain 200, offset 50, -20C
Lens: Sky-Watcher Esprit 80ED
Mount: EQ6-R Pro
ASI120MM Mini OAG auto guider
Software: N.I.N.A., PixInsight, Photoshop
Location: Borås, Sweden

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